Tuesday 18 July 2017

TI0027 - English - Are Harooth and Marooth angels?

Are Harooth and Marooth angels?

Many scholars have interpreted that the verse 2:102 (in the following manner) as given below (thus). That is, two Angels named Harooth and Marooth came to earth in order to teach the sorcery known as 'Sihr' to the human beings. According to the above view, it means the Angels after learning the sorcery from the God, taught the same to the human-beings.

In order to give an explanation to the above valid question, “how can the Angels teach sorcery?" certain commentators have fabricated a story.

It is narrated that the Angels became jealous of God's comments of the appreciation of the human beings on the earth; they registered their objection to the God. They also drew a list of the sins committed by the humans; It is assumed that in reply to their objection God informed the Angels, "I have given the human the sense of desire". That is why, they sometimes commit wrongs. If you want to test, then select two Angels from among yourselves. "I shall inspire them with the sense of "desire", let them go to earth.

Hence, the Angels selected Harooth and Marooth, the two Angels. They came to earth and exceeded the human beings in committing sins; it is they who had taught the sorcery. This is how the story is narrated.

Does this tale and the meaning derived on the basis of this story, correct? When we analyze, we find that the meaning derived from these tale clashes with many of the Quranic verses.

The Angels immediately registered their objection to the announcement of Allah that He is going to create the mankind. Then, they piled up accusations, "the mankind will cause corruption and will shed blood", against the mankind. (Refer the Quran 2:30)

When God proved to the Angels the ability, status and talent of Adam (Pbuh), they said, " You are pure (from all weakness) we have no knowledge of anything except what we had been taught by you, You are the knowing and wise". And repented for their wrong. (Refer, Quran, 2:32).
Moreover, they performed Sajda to the 'Man' and performed penance for their wrong. (Refer Al Quran, 2:32)

Angels are such beings, who at times, had commented about the ability of the 'man' and when their God explained to them that their criticism was wrong, immediately accepted their wrong. 'How could the Angels have objected to their God again when their nature was such?

When they objected before, Shaitan remained in their assembly. He would have instigated them to ask such objection.

When the Shaitan was removed from their assembly, the Angels who had been already warned by God for registering their objection, how could they have objected again?
In the following verses of Quran, 66:6 and 21:26, 27. "…. . over which are Angels, harsh and sever; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded. " (Quran, 66:6). "…. they are (but) honored slaves/servants" (Quran 21:26).

From this verse, "They cannot precede Him in the world and they act by His command" (Al-Quran 21:27) the character and nature of the Angels are clearly explained. How could it be believed that the Angels with such characteristics, would have found fault in the actions of the God and objected to them?

A question may arise at this juncture "How could the Angels have objected when God wanted to create 'man'?" There is huge difference between the objection raised by the Angels (at that time) then and the objection mentioned in the fabricated tale.

God asked for the opinion of the Angels, before creating the 'man'. As God asked for their opinion, they gave their opinion. So, we cannot call it either as an objection or impudence.

In this fabricated tale, it is mentioned that, when God had asked for any opinion of the Angels, He had already completed the creation of 'man', and the Angels recorded their criticism.

Such impudence is contrary to the characteristics nature of the Angels.

We cannot accept the 'meaning' which degrades God and His Angels.

Teaching the sorcery called 'Sihr' is 'Kufr' which means directly denying God. Such actions of 'denial of God' would never have been committed by the Angels.

We should desire the meaning for the above verses without degrading the status of God and His Angels.

In the days of the Messenger (Pbuh), the Jewish scholars in religion earned their living by using sorcery and other foul means. In order to justify the 'sorcery' they had been placing such arguments.
Their first argument is, "This art (of sorcery) has not been our discovery. Instead, it came to us from the Messenger Sulaiman (Pbuh). So it is not wrong to preach this art and earning from it".

Their second argument is, "it has religious approval because it is brought to Sulaiman (Pbuh) only by the Angels Jibrail and Mikail".

Both these wrong arguments are disproved in this verse (Quran 2:102):
"…. It was not Sulaiman (Pbuh) who disbelieved. It had been only the devil who taught this sorcery disbelieved".

If you approach these sentences, "Teaching the art of sorcery 'Sihr' is denial of God, such an act of 'denial of God' would not have been done by Sulaiman (Pbuh). It is only the Shaitans who did this, “with analytical mind then the truth is revealed.

In the first portion of this verse it is found that Shaitna taught this sorcery.

When the Shaitan had taught this and moreover when they had (already) learnt it from the Shaitan it is unreasonable to say that the Angels came to teach that which was already known to them.
 To whom does the God specify here as Angels?

Here only the names of Haruth and Maruth are mentioned. Such doubts are raised. Here God mentions 'Al- Malakaini' instead of 'Malakaini'.

There is difference between 'Malakaini' and 'Al Malakaini'.

'Malakaini' mean two Angels.

'AL Malakaini' means 'those two Angels'.

As God mentions 'Al Malakaini' he mentions only the two Angels who were mentioned earlier. It cannot be related to Haruth and Maruth, who are mentioned later. Before five verses, in the verse 2:98, the names of two Angels have been mentioned “(Remember) whoever is an enemy to Allah, His Angels, His messengers, Jibrail and Mikail".

In the above verse, this is a specification of two Angels whose names and also given. It is an appropriate to know that in this verse (2:102) Allah mentions only these two Angels.
It further makes it clear that as there is no connection between Sulaiman (Pbuh) and the art of 'sorcery', similarly, there is no connections exists between the art of 'sorcery'and these two Angels Jibrail and Mikail.

On the basis of Arabic grammar, as there is a possibility to give such meaning, as the honour and respect of the Angels are safe guarded it is meant like this, it is correct to mean like this.

Then certain questions are raised. Who are Haruth and Maruth? What is the necessity of mentioning about them here?

Even in the beginning of the verse 2:102 it is mentioned that these (people) follow what the Shaitan had taught.

What does it mean by Shiaitans had taught? Did Shaitans teach directly? Or it is only the evil people who are specified as Shaitans here?

It should be understood first.

The usage of the word 'Shaitan' is used not only for the real Shaitans but also for the evil people. We can find such usage of words not only in the practice of Arabians but also in Al-Quran and the words (Hadith) of the Messenger (Refer Quran 2:14, 6:112, 114:5 & 6).

In the following Quranic verse (Quran 2:14) it is stated that "when they meet the believers they say, 'we believe', when they are alone with their Shaitans, they say, 'indeed, we are with you, we are only mockers'"

At this place, there is no doubt that the word 'Shaitans' refers only to their leaders.

From the following Quranic verses 6:112 and 114:5, 6, we learn that the evil men among the human beings are also called “Shaitans”.

“And thus we made for every Messenger, Shaitans, from human beings and Jinns, as enemies. Among them they exchange to one another charming words. They would not have done this, if their God had willed it. Leave them, with which they invent (6:112)”.

The verse 114:5, 6 “He puts evil thoughts into the minds of the human beings. Such people are those, among the Jinns and the mankind (114:5, 6)”.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has also pointed out “The one who travels alone is Shaitan” (Refer Al Dawud 2240, Tirmizhi 1597).

“The poets are Shaitans” (Refer Muslim 4193).

In the verse which we have taken for, discussion it is said that “Shaitans” have taught. There is also a doubt arises, do these Shaitans refer to the real Shaitan. God says “Harroth Marooth” in order to clear this doubt.

That is, God identifies “Harooth & Marooth” who are mentioned as Shaitans are in reality evil human beings who have taught the Sorcery.

In the Arabic language it is in practice to use a word which gives different meanings and later as an explanation to it another will be used.

It is referred as “Badl” in the Arabic grammar. The explanation for Shaitans is “Harooth & Marooth”.
We conclude those who taught the art of Sorcery to Jinns are neither Sulaiman (pbuh) nor the Angels. Instead, it is only the Shaitans among the human beings called “Harooth & Marooth”, who taught the art of Sorcery.

Imam Qurtubi, a great scholar in the art of Tafseer has said “Eventhough this verse has been interpreted in many ways, explanation (given in the conclusion) is the best one”.
Ibn Kaseer, another renowned scholar, has also endorsed this view by recording this explanation in his Tafseer of Al Quran.

The original source:

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