Tuesday 18 July 2017

TI0026 - English - Sorcery on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Sorcery on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Superstitious belief remains deep-rooted in the minds of the ignorant people, according to which a man can cause harm to other man without using any weapon, either physically or mentally.

Even among the Muslim a large number of people believe in such superstition.

It is denoted by various names terminology such as Voodoo, Sorcery, mesmerism, etc. ,

We can believe that a person can cause harm to another person by using weapons Belief in such thing needs no religious sanction.

On the other hand, a belief that a person can cause harm to another person without using a weapon needs to be verified with the religious authority.

When we study the Quranic verses of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) regarding the above belief about Sorcery, it seems that there is room for two contradictory views. This is the reason that the Muslim scholars express contradicting opinions in this issue.

Even though the meaning at the surface level seems to project a contradicting view, if we study deeply, we can come to a conclusion that only one view can be right.

That is, the Sorcery is nothing but tricks performed in order to deceive the people. In reality no miracles happen by exercising Sorcery

The Arabic word “Sihr” is employed to denote the Sorcery. We can find this word ‘Sihr’ in various places of Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

If we peruse the ‘Usage’ of the word in Quran and Hadith one by one carefully then, we will learn beyond doubt that ‘Sihr’ is nothing but deceit, fraud and trickery.

Allah bestowed on His Messenger some miracles in order to prove to the people that they are the messengers of God and thereby trying to reform the people.

For example God bestowed on Musa (pbuh) a miracle, which helped him to transform the staff thrown by him into a big hissing serpent. The miracle was such that even if the serpent which was a transformation of a staff is tested by employing any means, one cannot find in it the characteristic of a staff but can find all the characteristics of a serpent.

From the above we can understand that the miracle bestowed by God on the Messenger came to be called either Trickery or Sorcery. There is neither deceit nor trickery involved in the miracle performed by the Messenger of God.

Even though the Messenger of God performed miracles, people did not believe it as a miracle. Instead, they considered it only ‘Sorcery’. They thought that the Messenger was trying to deceive them by his sorcery.

They used the word ‘Sihr’ to denote such things.
The Quranic verse 51: 52 states,
similarly, when any Messenger came to those who went before, they did not but remain without saying, “He is either a madman or a magician.”

Those people would not have used the word ‘Sihr’ to deny the Prophets of God, if the word ‘Sihr’ had meant “It is a miracle beyond the human power”.

The Quran states that those who denied the ‘miracles’ of the Prophet Musa (pbuh) rejected the miracles by calling them ‘Sihr’.

Then Musa (Pbuh) threw his staff. Immediately, it became a big serpent. He showed his hand outwardly. It became white with brightness. The eminent among the people of Firaun asked, “
107. And if Allah causes you a harm, then there is no one except him who can remove it. No one can prevent His bounty if He wants a good for you. He will give them to whom He wants among his servants. He is the Forgiving, the most Merciful.
108. Say (O Muhammad), “O People, truth has come to you from your God81. Whoever follows the right way follows it only for himself. Whoever goes astray, goes astray only against himself. I am not a guardian over you.”
109. And you follow what is revealed to you (O Muhammad). Be patient until Allah gives judgement. And He is the best of the Judges.
After that, We sent Musa and Harun (pbuh) to Firaun and his courtiers with His sign. They were people of pride and they had been a community committing wrongs. When the truth came from God from Us, they said, “ This is a clear sorcery “. Musa replied, ” When the truth had come to you, do you called it sorcery (Sihr)? Sorcerers ( those who perform ‘Sihr’) will not be successful.”
75. After them, We sent with our signs, Musa and Harun to Firhaun and his courtiers. He became proud. They remained criminals.
76. When the truth came to them from Us, they said, “Indeed, it is a clear magic”
77. Musa said, “Do you call it magic when the truth has come to you? Magicians will not succeed.”
----Al Quran 10:75 to 77
Firaun told the Courtiers around him,
He (Firaun) said, “If you are of the truthful then bring it.”
He (Musa) threw his staff. At once it became a big serpent.
And he drew his hand. It looked white (bright) to the observers.
He (Firaun) said to the courtiers around him, “Indeed, he is a talented magician.”
(Firaun also said), “He thinks that he will expel you from you place with his magic. What do you order?”
-------- Al Quran 26: 31 to 35
When Musa (pbuh) brought our clear signs to them, they said, “This is nothing but Sorcery (Sihr); we have not heard about this from our forefathers.”
(Quran 28:36)
And a (lesson) is there also in Musa. When We sent him with clear signs to Firaun, he rejected because of the power. He said 26, “He is either a magician or a madman.”
---------Quran 51:38, 39

12. (God said), “As you insert your hand into the pocket of your garment; it will come forth white (bright) without any harm. You (go to) Firaūn and his people with nine signs. Indeed, they are the people committing crimes.”
13. When our signs come to them to be seen clearly, they said, “It is a clear magic.”
14. And, even though they believed it firmly they denied it with injustice and arrogance. Observe, “How was the end of these corruptors.”
------Quran 27:12 to 14

 And We sent Musa with clear signs and clear authority to Firaun, Haman and Qarun. They said, "He is a great lying magician".
-------Quran 40:23, 24

As they have used the word ‘Sihr’ for denying the miracles brought by Musa (pbuh), It can be understood that ‘Sihr’ is only trickery and it does not happen in truth.

Similarly Isa (pbuh) also performed miracles. Those people had not believed even though they witnessed the miracles performed by him. They thought that he performed only certain tricks. They denied him, stating that he performed ‘Sihr’ (Sorcery)

Remind them what Allah said (to Isa), “O Isa, son of Maryam, remember, the blessings given to you and to your mother and that you were strengthened by Ruh-ul-khudus. You spoke in the cradle and in the young age, to the people. And remember that I taught you the Book, Wisdom67,Tawrah and Injeel. With My wish, you made a bird like shape with clay and blew into it, and that transformed into a bird with My permission, and also remember that you cured the born-blindand those affected by leukaemia with My permission and again rememberthat you brought forth the dead (alive) with My permission. You brought to the children of Israel clear signs. At that time, remember when the disbelievers (of only one God) said, “This is nothing but clear black magic, I saved you from them”.
And remind what Isa, the son of Maryam said, “ Children of Israel, I am Allah’s Messenger (sent to you). I am the confirmer of ‘ Tawrath’ Which went before me. conveyor of good news about the Messenger named Ahmad who will come after me. 25 ” When clear signs were brought to them they said, “This is a clear magic”282
--Quran 5:110 & 61:6…………. .”

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his miracles

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had performed certain miracles given by God in order to prove to the people that he was the Messenger of God. He also placed before them Quran, the greatest miracle.

The enemies who refused to accept these ‘miracles’ considered them only ‘Sihr’

(O Muhammad), even We had sent down a Book written on the paper and if they have touched it with their hands152&312, the disbeliever (of only one God) would have said, “This is nothing but open black magic.”
--Quran 6:7
Is it a surprise for them that We reveal to the one from among the mankind, “Warn the people” and convey the good news, “For the believer there is (a reward for) their good deed with Allah?”. The disbelievers say “Indeed, he is an expert magician”.
--Quran 10:2
Their minds neglect. The unjust talk, “ Is he not but a human being like you? Do you approach magic even while seeing it?”, very secretly.
--Quran 21:3
When the truth came to them from Us, they say, “Should he not have given like that which had been given to Musa?” Did they not deny what was given to Musa before? They say, “Both were only magic competing (with) each other.” They also say, “Indeed, we deny everything.”
--Quran 28:48
When Our clear verses are recited to them, they say, "He is a man who intends to prevent you from what your forefathers used to worship". Also say, "This is only an invented lie". When the truth came to them those disbelievers (of only one God) say, "This is nothing but a clear magic".
--Quran 34:43…………. .”
And they mock even when they see the sign.
And they say, "This is nothing but a clear magic".
--Quran 37:14, 15…………. .”
And they were surprised when the warners came from among themselves. The disbelievers said, "He is a liar and a magician".
--Quran 38:4…………. .”
When the truth came to them, they said,"This is magic. Indeed, we are disbelievers of this".
--Quran 43:30…………. .”
And when Our clear verses were recited to them,those who deny the truth, which has come to them, say, “This is a clear magic”.
--Quran 46:7…………. .”

And when they see the sign (they) ignore (it) saying, “This is a continuous magic.”

--Quran 54:2…………. .”

Basing on the usage of the word ‘Sihr, which means ‘Sorcery’, we can come to a clear conclusion.
The above Quranic verses clearly state that the people refused to accept the miracles performed by the Prophets including Musa (pbuh), Isa (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh) with the permission of the God, on the reason that they were only ‘Sihr’ (Sorceries).

We can understand from the criticisms leveled against the miracles by the enemies, “Sorcery is not a fact. That is only trickery. The Messenger performed only such Sorcery”.

Musa (pbuh) placed his evidences before the tyrannical king Firaun in order to prove that he was a Messenger of God.

Firaun refused to believe in the ‘miracles’ performed by Musa (pbuh). He called it Sorcery (trick). He challenged Musa (pbuh) for a competition with talented sorcerers of his court.

Musa (pbuh) accepted the challenge. Quran has mentioned regarding this in various places.
Quran states that the sorcerers of the Firaun performed excellent Sorcery.

‘Musa’ said, “you throw”. When they threw (their magic), they enchanted182 the eyes of the people. They caused fear into the people. They brought a great magic.
--Quran 7:116……………. .

The ‘Sorcery’ performed by the sorcerers of the Firaun is not an ordinary trick. The above verse not only denotes it as an excellent ‘Sorcery’ but also explains clearly the details of that excellent Sorcery.
The sentence, “They enchanted the eyes of the people” clearly states that they were unable to perform any ‘miracle’ except that they could trick the eyes of the people. This is what they were able to do with their ‘Sorcery’

Another verse makes it clearer.

He said, “No. You throw.” At once, their ropes and staff appeared to him hissing due to their magic. 285
-----------Quran 20:66

What they had performed was really an excellent Sorcery. Inspite of it, they could not transform the staff and the ropes into hissing serpents. Instead the verse states that they could create only an illusion of moving serpent

In another verse it is mentioned that ‘Sorcery is nothing but trickery.

(Also said), “And you throw that which is in your right hand. It will swallow what they have done. What they have done is a trick of a magician182. When he comes (For competition) magician will never win.”
---Quran 20:69

When it is proved that whatever had been done by them was nothing but ‘Sorcery’. It is confirmed that miracle can be performed only by the messengers with the help of God.

The evidences of those who state the Sorcery as true:

A majority of the scholars state that ‘Sorcery’ is not an imaginary one and with its assistance, man’s hands or legs can be paralyzed and make him bed ridden. They also produce certain Hadith as evidences to substantiate their view.

In various compilations of the books of Hadith, including Bhukari and Muslim, it is recorded that a Jew performed sorcery on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Those people show these Hadith as their first evidence to prove their view.

The Hadith are as follows:
Prophet (pbuh) said to me, "Sorcery was performed on the Prophet (pbuh). He was affected to such an extent that he assumed he had done what he had not done". One day he called me. He told me, "Do you know God had shown me the way for getting cured". Two people came to me one of them sat on the side on the side of my head. The other sat on the side of my legs. One asked the other, "What was the decease affected this person?" The other answered, "Sorcery has been performed on him". The first one asked, "Who performed sorcery on him?" The second one answered, "Labeeth Bin Al-Asam had performed sorcery on him". First one asked, "On what (material) sorcery had been performed?" The second one replied to that, "Sorcery had been performed on (using) comb, fallen hair and the sheaf of the date-palm". The first one asked, "In which place it had been performed?" The second one answered, "It had been performed in the well called 'Darwan'". Then, he returned after visiting the well. He told me that the date-palm trees remained in that place were like heads of shaitans. I asked him (Prophet (pbuh)), "Have you removed that?" For that, the Prophet (pbuh) answered, "No. God had given me relief. I am afraid that it would spread evil among the people". Later, that well was sealed.

 (Narrator: Aayisha (RA) Book Bukhari 3268)

In another Hadith it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), though he had family relationship (with his wife) he assumed that he had no family relationship (with his wife).
 (Bukari 5765)
The Hadith recorded in Musnad Ahmed 23211 states that the above state of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prolonged for six months.
On this basis, they argue that when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself had experienced such a state of forgetfulness for a prolonged period of six months, why Sorcery cannot be performed on others.
When we look at the Hadith outwardly it may seems that this view is correct.
If the verse is analysed carefully then we have to come to a conclusion that there is no possibility of either ‘Sorcery’ performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or there is any harm to his mental stability

Protected Book of God:

 According to the statements of the Hadith, “Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ‘s mental health was affectedby this effect of Sorcery that state prolonged for six months and thatimpact on his health was such that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) considered what he had not done, asdone.” If we have to accept the above statements, as it is, then they willlead to many adverse consequences.

The first harm is regarding the reliability of Quran, which is the Book of God.

The(Wahi) revelation from God during the period of that six months, when he had been experiencing a prolonged suffering in his mental stability, in which state he could not remember whatever he had done due to the effect of the Sorcery will be suspected regardingits authenticity.

If the Prophet’s (pbuh) mental stability had been affected to such an extent that he could not even remember his physical relationship with his wife, then he might have said that he had received the message from God while in reality he might not have received it. That means whatever that had been revealed during the prolonged period of the six months will have to be scanned from the angle of suspicion.

As it is not clearly mentioned to which period this six months of the state of prolonged illness belong, every verse revealed in Madina has to be looked at from the suspicious angle.
The only miracle we possess to believe that Islam is the true religion is the Holy Quran. We have to reject firmly whatever may be the suspicions voiced against Quran

Quran gives (clean chit) good certificate in various places that there is neither lie nor adulteration in it and it is completely the words of God. God has closed all the ways which will lead to any suspicion. God has made elaborate arrangement that there should not be raised even an atom of suspicion against its authenticity.

If we understand this in detail, certainly we will not believe that there was any mental impairment to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

We know that the Quran revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by God was envied even by the renowned scholars for its highest standard.

Let us assume that the Prophet was a literate then the people would not have believed this Quran as the Book of God. They would have said that Muhammad (pbuh) was using his scholarship, has invented in a high style and deceive the people into believing that it is the Book that it is the Book of God.

God clearly states that He has made the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) unlettered in order that the above mentioned confusion should not arise.

(And O Muhammad), you have not been reciting from any Book4 before. You will also not write with your right hand (in future). Indeed, if it has been so, then the vain would have doubted. --Quran 29:48
Even though, education is a great blessing, God intentionally did not bestow that blessing to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Quran 68:1, 98:4) God has not awarded this blessing only with purpose.
In the above verse He says that the reason for this is that there shall not arise any suspicion in the Quran, the Book of God.

If it had been revealed in whole, then all the laws could have been received at the same time. God says that He purposely avoided it.

And We separated the Quran and revealed (step by step) gradually, in order that, you will recite it to the people at intervals (Quran 17:106)

And those who disbelieve (Us) say, “should not the Quran be revealed on him completely?”. (O Muhammad) thus, We revealed this gradually in order to strengthen your mind (Quran 25:32)
If it is revealed gradually then it is possible to memorize. It can be recorded in the mind. That is why God specifies that he revealed it gradually (Quran, 15:9).

It establishes its reliability by stating that there is neither bend nor contradiction in the Quran
 (Refer Holy Quran 18:1, 39:28, 41:42, 4:82)

Only if the Prophet’s (pbuh) mind had been strong and firm then there would not arise any doubt whether Quran would have come from God, it was not an imagination of any human beings.
If he says what he has not done as done and what he has done as not done, then whatever he has uttered will be subjected to suspicion. If it is believed that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was affected by ‘Sorcery’ then it will lead to the rejection of the above verses, which state that God is the protector of His Book. So, the statement that the Prophet’s (pbuh) mind became disabled cannot be believed.

Certain people give a difficult explanation for this. They say that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was affected only in other mater not in the matter of ‘Wahi’.

The above explanation is only a mockery. These people give this explanation from the stand point, of people who have complete belief in Quran.

During the period of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) people were in such a state that they could decide only by seeing every activity of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) whether it was either a word by God or not.

They have forgotten to think that if the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been in a prolonged state of mental disability for six months, their argument would not have been accepted by the people, who lived in those days. They would not have considered ‘Wahi’ but they would have looked it as an exception, if whatever was said by a person, who had said what he had not done as he had done.
Hence, there is no doubt that the Quran would have been considered by the people of the period with suspicion, if the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been affected by mental disability.
Why have not the enemies passed any criticisms?

The enemies have been trying their level best to establish the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a liar.
They had also been striving hard to prove the Book brought by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a lie.

The enemies would have certainly criticized about this if the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been affected by prolonged mental disability.

They would have certainly commented, “He speaks contradictorily, ” Says, he has not done what he has done, says he has done what he has not done, how can we believe in what he says?”. They would not have missed this opportunity.

If the disability had remained only for a few days there is a possibility that it would not have been known to the enemies. The alleged defect which had prolonged for six months would not have gone unnoticed by his arch enemies.

If he had been like other leaders, who rarely make their appearance before the public, he could have hidden his defect by remaining aloof from the people for six months.

On the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been leading the prayer five times daily, at the mosque. He had given them every right to meet him at any time. So, if would not have been possible to hide such defect before the enemies, who have been always waiting for opportunity to blame him.

There is no evidence that enemy made any comments about this aspect.

Hence, it is very clear that his enemies neither performed Sorcery on him nor he was mentally affected.

Messenger would have been rejected

If it had been true that ‘Sorcery’ was performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the people of his period would not have believed him as the Prophet of God. All those who initially believed him to be the Prophet would have deserted him later.

If it is to be understood, then we have to know the arrangement that had been made by God to prove that a person is a Messenger of God.

Evidence to prove the signs of the Messenger:

Those who had been sent as messengers had been selected only from among the human-beings. They remained as human-beings in all aspects.

People were not able to accept the person who was similar to them in all aspects, as the Messenger of God.

And the hurdle for the people in believing, when the right way came to them, is only what they say, “Has Allah sent a human being as a Messenger?”.
(The people of that place) said, "You were nothing but men like us. The Most Beneficent has not revealed anything. You have been only lying".
(They) said,” You are but only a man like us. Indeed, we consider you a liar.”
(Quran 26:186)
(Also said), “And do not do any harm to it. The suffering of the terrible Day1 will seize you.”
(Quran 26:154)
And (they) ask, “ What happened to this Messenger? He eats food and walks in the streets of the market. Should not there be an Angel sent along with him and he be not a warner (together) with him?”
And those leaders from among that generation who disbelieved, considered the meeting of the Hereaftera lie and to whom We gave a comfortable life said,” He is no one but a man like you. He eats what you eat. He drinks what you drinks.”
(They said),” There is no life other than our worldly life. We die and we live. We will not be raised alive.”
(Quran 23:47)
Their minds neglect. The unjust talk, “ Is he not but a human being like you? Do you approach magic even while seeing it?”, very secretly.
(Quran 21:3)

People considered at every period of time, that the messengers appointed by a man may be a human being, but a Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) appointed by God should be above the state of a human being.

There were acceptable reasons for the people to think like that. If it is to be accepted whoever claimed as the Prophet of God then there is every chance that they have to accept even liars who claimed themselves as the Prophets of God.

God as a recognition of their views acknowledges that the Messenger of God should be different from other human-beings.

God sends his Messenger with certain miracles to prove to the people that they are His messengers.
The people with right thinking will not hesitate to believe him as the Prophet when they witness the miracles, which cannot be performed by human-beings.

This is the reason that God, when he sends any Prophet, sends him with miracles. This is mentioned in Quran at various places.

(O Muhammad), if they consider you a liar, remember before you, many messengers have been considered liars. They brought clear signs, scriptures and the enlightening Book105.
(Quran 3:184)
I tell you (O Muhammad), news about those places. And certainly, their messengers came to them with clear signs. As they had already considered (it) a lie they were not among those believers. Thus, Allah put the seal on the minds of the disbelievers (of Him). (Quran 7:101)
And if they consider you a liar, those who went before them also considered (their messengers) liars. Their messengers brought to them clear signs, scripture and enlightening Book105.
(Quran 35:25)
After him, We sent many messengers to their respective people. They brought clear signs to them. They would not have believed because they had considered it to be a lie. Thus We put the seal on the minds of those who have transgressed. (Quran 10:74)
And We have destroyed, before you, many generations who have caused injustice. Their Messenger brought them clear signs. They are not of those who have believed. Thus, We will punish the people who are sinners. (Quran 10:13)
It is because they denied when their messengers brought clear signs. So, Allah punished them. He is Strong, Severe in punishment. (Quran 40:22)
Have they not received the news about the people of Nuh, people of Ibrahim, dwellers of Maryam (including the people of Hud) who were overturned? Their Messenger brought to them clear signs. Instead they only wronged themselves. (Quran 9:70)
The reason (For) that is, though their messengers have been bringing clear signs to them, they said, “ Should a man guide us?” and disbelieved and ignored (only one God). Allah considered themunnecessary. Allah is free of need, Praiseworthy. (Quran 64:6)
They will ask, "Did not your Messenger bring clear signs to you?" To that they will say, "Yes". The keepers of Hell will say, "Then you (yourselves) pray". The prayer of the disbelievers will end in vain. (Quran 40:50)
We sent Our messengers with clear signs. We sent down with them the Book and the Balance for the people to establish justice. We sent down iron 423. There is great power and benefits for the people. Allah will identify those who help Him and His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Powerful, Mighty. (Quran 57:25)

From the above Quranic verses we can understand that all the Prophets have been sent with miracles.
A Prophet of God can establish himself as the Prophet only by performing miracles.

In such a situation if the Jews had succeeded in paralysing the hand and legs of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), by performing ‘Sorcery’ then the people might have considered these ‘Sorcery’ greater than the miracles performed by the Prophet of God.

If they had paralysed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself with their Sorcery then what might have been the consequences of such an act, in those days?

Majority of the people might have thought “He had believed him to be the Prophet even though he was a man just like us. When he performed certain miracles; today by disabling his mental health, the
Jews have proved to be spiritually powerful than the Prophet of God.

In the other hand, there was no such criticism even from a single person, regarding the above thing. No one deserted Islam showing it as a reason.

It is made clear that the information they had defeated the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) without using any weapon, using a comb and the hair, is wrong.

There is no doubt that anybody could not have performed ‘Sorcery’ on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). God had not have given such a power for an ordinary human-being so a to overcome the Prophet, thereby misleading the believers.

Sorcery was not performed on the Prophet:

Those people, who refused to accept the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), had made two contradictory critical comments.

They sometimes commented, when they witnessed the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), he performed Sorcery.

On some other occasions, they made comments that somebody would have performed Sorcery upon him. It implies that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been blabbering due to the mental disability.
Quran states that such comments have been passed against majority of the messengers of God.

They said, “Certainly you have been affected by ‘Sorcery’”.
And they say, “You only remain charmed.” (Quran 26:153)
They said,” You have been charmed”
(Quran 26:185)
We revealed to Musa nine clear signs. Ask the children of Israel (what had happened) when he came to them. Then ‘Firaun’ said to Musa, “O Musa, indeed, I consider you as only as the one who was charmed”. (Quran 17:101)
Quran also states the comments of certain people that Sorcery was performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as it had been performed on the other messengers of God.
We know very well (O Muhammad) whatever those who have caused injustice said secretly, “You follow only, a person who was charmed” and when they heard you whatever they heard.
(Quran 17:47)
And also the unjust ask.” Or, should he not be given a treasure?. Or should he not have a garden from which he eats? And you follow only the man who was charmed.” (Quran 25:8)

The above verses condemn those, who commented that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been affected by ‘Sorcery’, as unjust.

God would not have condemned such criticisms strongly if performing Sorcery on the Prophets had been a usual feature and also it would not have affected the activities of the Messenger.

When it was commented that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) eats and drinks, God does not deny the remarks made by the people because activity of eating and drinking will not have affected the work of the messengers. He replied that all the messengers ate without any exception

When it was mentioned that ‘Sorcery’ was performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), God denied it strongly, the statement of the unjust. He denied it because if the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had been affected bysorcery performed on him, then it wouldimpede the work of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Certain people may ask that Sorcery may have been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) after the revelation of the verse. Such a view is absolutely wrong.

The above view only causes doubt on the wisdom of the God Himself. God, who is Knower of all things, would not have denied, if it had been that Sorcery would be performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) later

If they analyze the above two verses and the following verses they will not utter such views.
(O Muhammad), how they give examples about you. They have gone astray. They cannot get the (right) way.
(Quran 25:9)
Observe, “How they show examples to you?” So they went astray. They cannot reach the right way.
(Quran 17:48)
God declares that those who had commented that Sorcery had been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as unjust. He also directed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to pay attention to the criticismsbecause they falsely utter that Sorcery has been performed to a person, on whom performing Sorcery is impossible. From the above, it is further proved that nobody can perform Sorcery either on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or on any other Messenger of God.
Then, what about the Hadith which stated that ‘Sorcery’ had been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and he became mentally affected? Are they authentic? Are they not recorded in Bukhari, Muslim and a lot of Books of Hadith by authentic persons?

Certain people may ask, “Are you denying such authentic Ahadith?”

We deny these statements which are recorded in the various Books of Hadith because they not only contradict the Quran, the Book of God, but also contradict the various fundamental principles of Islam.

Certain people try to create an image among the people that we deny even the authentic Hadith, recorded in the Books of Hadith, citing our denial of certain Hadith regarding the performing Sorcery on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In their endeavor to prove the Hadith right, they seem to think that even the Quranic verses can be denied because, the verses are against the statement of Hadith.
Hence, before analyzing the Hadith, which stated that Sorcery had been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we have to know how to understand the Quran and Hadith as the evidences of the religion.

Ahadith are also evidences of religion.

There is also no difference of opinion in acknowledging the sayings, actions and approval of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the fundamental source of Islam, as we regard the Quran as the primary source of Islam.

There is also no difference of opinion regarding the view that the Quran cannot be undertstood completely without the help of Hadith

At the same time, we cannot forget a fundamental thing

Both Quran as Hadith are not similar as regards to their authenticity, as the fundamental source of Islam.

All the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are witnesses to the truth that Quran is the Book of God

After receiving Quran, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “All the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), unanimously accepted the above statement of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), they recorded the Quran in writing. Most of them memorized it.

As for the Ahadith are concerned there is no single Hadith that was reported by all the companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). A few Ahadith have been reported by not exceeding 50companions of the Prophet. All other Hadith have been reported by one or two or three companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Giving witness by one or two will not be equal to witness given by the whole generation.
Though the reporter may be authentic, the possibility of error creeping into messages reported by one or two persons cannot be denied.

We cannot take the same stand regarding the authenticity of the Hadith as we used to take inthe case of Quran. There will not raise even an atom of doubt in the matter of Quran regarding its authenticity.
We accept the Hadith believing in the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and act according to it. There is no chance of doubt to be reaised till it does not clash with the Quranic verses. When it clashes with the Quran it is proper that we have to give priority to the Quran, deciding that somehow error has crept inot the reported Hadith.

If the Hadith does not agree with the Quran in any way when it directly clashes with the Quran and it is impossible to give any explanation relating each other, then in such circumstances, it is justice to accept the Quran ignoring the Hadith rather than accepting it.
Even such Hadith are recorded in Bukhari

For better understanding, we have to analyze such Ahadith recorded in Bukhari and Muslims. For example, we know that if a woman breast feed (suckles) a child, other than her own, then she attains the status of the mother for that child.

In the Hadtheeses, 2634, 2635 Muslim it is recorded as follows.

It had been revealed in Quran that the mother-child relationship will occur only when the child is breast-fed for 10 times. Then it was changed to five times. The Prophet’s (pbuh) death occurred only while it had been recited in the prayer.
This Hadith is reported by Aysha (RA).

In this Hadith, it is said that there wasa verse which stated that if a child sucks milk 5 times from a woman then the child-mother relationship occurs between them and this verse remained in the Quran till the demise of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

If that verse which claims to be a part of Quran till the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), then that verse had to remain even now.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), nothing can either be added or deleted. There is no way even a word has been left from the Quran, as the Quran was recorded during the period of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)himself and as a lot of companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had also memorized it.

There is no such verse found in Quran as reported by Aayisha (RA).
At this juncture, if we accept this Hadith stating the reason that it is recorded in the Book of Muslim through the authentic reporter, then we have to think about the consequences of doing such a thing.
It will lead to the view that Quran is not protected and after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) many verses have been removed from the Quran. It will make the assurance of the God, that Quran will be under His direct protection, will be a questionable one.

Hence, we could not but reject this Hadith as weak, If we take a decision to believe this Hadith,because this Hadith is recorded in ‘Muslim’ with authentic reporters, then we mayget a name that we do not rejectHadith

It will result in accepting the view that the verse which had existed till the death of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was removed from Quran after his death, by all the companions of the Prophet. How will we give answer to this?

Even though there is no answer to the above question we have to come to a conclusion, somehow error has crept into the Hadith reported by Aayisha (RA).

As true believers we have to believe that Aayisha (RA) would not have reported such a statement as it will affect the basic Islamic tenet.

Similarly a news about the Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh), recorded in various Books of Hadith including Bukhari may be cited.

Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh) said, "Tonight I will have intercourse with hundred women. Each one of them will give birth to a male child. All of them will fight in the way of Allah". Then the Angel asked him to say 'Insha Allah'. But Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh) refused to say it. As he had said, "He had intercourse with hundred women no one of the women gave birth to a child. Only one woman gave birth to a half (pre-term) child".
It is recorded in Bukhari, 5242

More over the contradiction found due to different version of this Hadith in Bukhari confirms their decision.
It is mentioned in the Hadith 5242 as, "I will have intercourse with hundred women".
It is mentioned in the Hadith 3424 as, "I will have intercourse with seventy women".
It is mentioned in the Ahadith 6639, 6720 as, "I will have intercourse with ninety women".
It is mentioned in the Hadith 7469 as, "I will have intercourse with sixty women".

Even if we assume that the Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh) possessed 100 wives or 100 slave women, it would not have been possible to have intercourse in single night with all of them.
We shall analyze it from a religious angle.

Even for a Prophet there are five things which cannot be known (One of the hidden things is regarding the knowledge of the number of children, which will be formed in womb and whether a child will be born or not),

Indeed, the knowledge about that Time1 is only with Allah. He sends down the rain. He knows what is in the womb. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow. No person knows where he will die. Indeed, Allah is well Knowing and Knowing minutely. (Quran 31:34)

Sulaiman (pbuh) would never have said that his 100 wives will be conceived. No Prophet or God will poke his nose into the matter which are the exclusively rights of God.

If anybody argues stating that the God would have revealed this matter to Sulaiman (pbuh), then it will be finding fault with the revelation of God. If God had revealed to Sulaiman (pbuh) about this their 100 wives should have given birth to 100 children. As it has not happened so it is derived from the Hadith that it is a statement made by Sulaiman (pbuh) of his own volition.

Quran states, when the Prophet Zakariyya (pbuh) was not even aware that his wife was conceived (Quran 19:7 to 10), then Sulaiman (pbuh) would not have said that his 100 wives would give birth to 100 children. He is not permitted to say so.

Sulaiman (pbuh) has not only said that his 100 wives will give birth to 100 children but also said firmly that they will give birth to 100 male children. The Hadith also mentions such matters of future as stated by Sulaiman (pbuh) that those 100 male children will grow big and lead a righteous life and will fight in the way of Allah.

Sulaiman (pbuh) would not have mentioned like this. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also would not have to stated that Sualaiman (pbuh) mentioned like that.
Moreover it will not be acceptable that even after the Angel had reminded him to say “Ínsha Allah (If God wills)” he had not done so. It will be below his status to have uttered such a thing even after he was reminded by an Angel.

Hence, this Hadith has to be ignored eventhough the reporters of this Hadith are authentic, because it tends to destroy the fundamental principles of Islam. If we believe it to be true then we will have to deny many verses of Quran.

Moreover the contradiction found in that Hadith confirms their decision.

Narrated Abu Huraira:
(The Prophet) Solomon son of (the Prophet) David said, "Tonight I will go round (i.e. have sexual relations with) one hundred women (my wives) everyone of whom will deliver a male child who will fight in Allah's Cause." On that an Angel said to him, "Say: 'If Allah will.' " But Solomon did not say it and forgot to say it. Then he had sexual relations with them but none of them delivered any child except one who delivered a half person. The Prophet said, "If Solomon had said: 'If Allah will,' Allah would have fulfilled his (above) desire and that saying would have made him more hopeful." Bukhari 5242

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "Solomon (the son of) David said, 'Tonight I will sleep with seventy ladies each of whom will conceive a child who will be a knight fighting for "Allah's Cause.' His companion said, 'If Allah will.' But Solomon did not say so; therefore none of those women got pregnant except one who gave birth to a half child." The Prophet further said, "If the Prophet Solomon had said it (i.e. 'If Allah will') he would have begotten children who would have fought in Allah's Cause." Shuaib and Ibn Abi Az-Zinad said, "Ninety (women) is more correct (than seventy)." Bukhari 3424

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "(The Prophet) Solomon once said, 'Tonight I will sleep with ninety women, each of whom will bring forth a (would-be) cavalier who will fight in Allah's Cause." On this, his companion said to him, "Say: Allah willing!" But he did not say Allah willing. Solomon then slept with all the women, but none of them became pregnant but one woman who later delivered a half-man. By Him in Whose Hand Muhammad's soul is, if he (Solomon) had said, 'Allah willing' (all his wives would have brought forth boys) and they would have fought in Allah's Cause as cavaliers. "  Bukhari 6639 6720

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Prophet Solomon who had sixty wives, once said, "Tonight I will have sexual relation (sleep) with all my wives so that each of them will become pregnant and bring forth (a boy who will grow into) a cavalier and will fight in Allah's Cause." So he slept with his wives and none of them (conceived and) delivered (a child) except one who brought a half (body) boy (deformed). Allah's Prophet said, "If Solomon had said; 'If Allah Will,' then each of those women would have delivered a (would-be) cavalier to fight in Allah's Cause." Bukhari 7469

The above mentioned Hadith have been reported only by Abu Huraira (RA). The contradiction in numbers 60, 70,90, 100 raises suspicions about it.

If we believe it, stating the reason that it has been reported by the authentic person, then it will degrade the dignity of the Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh). Taking into consideration that the content of Hadith will clash with many verses of Quran and the fundamental principles of Islam, it has to be ignored assuming that there may be some error which cannot be found out.

One more Hadith can also be cited.

The Angel in charge of death was sent to Musa (pbuh). When the Angel had approached him, Musa (pbuh) slapped him. At once the Angel went to the God and complained “You have sent me to a slave who dislikes death”. God asked the Angel to go back to Musa (pbuh). He further ordered the Angel to instruct Musa to place his hand on the back of a bull and say:

For that, God asked the Angel, "You go Musa (pbuh). Instruct Musa (pbuh) to place his hand on the back of a bull and say that for each hair under his hand, a year would be added to him in his life. He (Angel) came to Musa and informed it". Then Musa (pbuh) asked, "O God, then what (will happen)". God said, "After that, only death". Musa (pbuh), "If it is so, I am ready to die now itself".

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Angel of Death was sent to Moses when he came to Moses, Moses slapped him on the eye. The angel returned to his Lord and said, "You have sent me to a Slave who does not want to die." Allah said, "Return to him and tell him to put his hand on the back of an ox and for every hair that will come under it, he will be granted one year of life." Moses said, "O Lord! What will happen after that?" Allah replied, "Then death." Moses said, "Let it come now." Moses then requested Allah to let him die close to the Sacred Land so much so that he would be at a distance of a stone's throw from it." Abu Huraira added, "Allah's Apostle said, 'If I were there, I would show you his grave below the red sand hill on the side of the road." Bukhari 3407

As it is recorded in Bukhari and the reporter of this Hadith are also authentic, can it be accepted?
If it is not against the principle/tenets of Islam and not contradicting to this Quranic verses then we have to accept it.

On the other hand this Hadith contradicts Quranic verses.
In this Hadith it is mentioned that an Angel returned without fulfilling God’s order, accepting defeat. We shall analyse whether it is correct.

Quran states that there are certain characteristics of an Angel.
Whatever in the Heavens, the living things on the earth and the Angels prostrate only to Allah. The Angels will not be proud396. (Quran 16:49)
They fear their God who is above. They do what they are ordered. (Quran 16:50)
And they say, “The most Beneficent has taken a progeny”. He is Pure (from weaknesses). They (Angels) are rather honored servants. (Quran 21:26)
They will not precede Him in speaking. They will act according to His order.
O believers, save yourselves and your families from Hell. Its fuel is people and stones. On it, there remain Angels harsh and severe. They will not disobey in what Allah has ordered. They do what they are ordered.
 (Quran 66:6)

The characteristic of an Angel is to carry out whatever work is allotted to him by God. If God sends an Angel to capture Musa’s (pbuh) soul, then he will not return without doing that work. This Hadith contradicts these characteristics.

Moreover, will the Prophets of God drive away beating the Angels sent by God?
They will never fail to listen to the order of God.

It is to be reflected that can Musa (pbuh), who is a noble Messenger of God, behave in such a manner as mentioned in the Hadith.

The teaching of all the Prophets of God has been “This life is very insignificant. The life in the Hereafter is everlasting.

If Musa (pbuh) had known that the death had come to him, then he would have prepared himself to face it rather than taking action against it.

Moreover, the Angels will not do any work on their own. When it clearly known to us that they will do according to the order given by Allah, will it not be known to Musa (pbuh).

How can we accept a Hadith which states that Musa (pbuh) has not known “Slapping the Angel sent by God is equivalent to opposing God directly”.

Even if it has happened like this, will God humiliate himself before Musa (pbuh) by speaking like this It should also be reflected.

Quran states how God treated Yunus (pbuh) when he turned away from God in anger.
And We made them enter into Our Mercy. They were righteous. (Quran 21:86)
And the man of the fish (Yunus) went away in anger. He thought, “We will not have power over him.” He called from the (covers of ) darkness, “ there is no one worshipful except you. You are Pure (from all weaknesses) . Indeed, I have become one of the unjust. (Quran 21:87)
If He had not been favoured by his God's mercy, He would have been thrown in to the open land, humiliated. (Quran 68:49)

This is how God react by taking severe against those who fail to obey him. It is an exclusive characteristic of God. He will never compromise in the aspect of pride. It is this dignity which is most important to him.

As the above Hadith destroys their basic thing it cannot be accepted.
Finally we shall analyse one more Hadith similar to this.

A youngster called Salim (RA) has been a usual visitor to house of Abu Hudaiba (RA). Abu Hudaiba (RA) was embarrassed by Salim’s (RA) conversation with his wife during his visit. When the wife of Abu Hudaiba asked the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) regarding this, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) advised her to suckle Salim (RA) thereby, the child mother relationship will be established between them (Muslim) 2636, 2638, 2639, 2640).
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would have never advised the woman to suckle a stranger (one who is forbidden from meeting a woman in private). We ignore this Hadith because the law regarding the suckling will suit only a child which is either two years or below. We decide like this because we think that some unknown error should have crept into this Hadith.

Those who claim this Hadith to be correct will never be able to advise others to follow according to this, now.

We point out this, because an enthusiasm in trying to establish the authenticity of this Hadith, somehow or other should not lead to the denial of the Book of God.
Similarly, the news about the Sorcery performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) should also be considered only on this basis.

In trying to believe Sorcery had been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which made him disabled on the basis of such Hadith,we should not commit this great error of denyingthe verses of Quran and thereby, destroy the basic tenets of Islam. We shall better ignore such Hadith.
As the news has been reported in many different ways, it can be easily established that there should be some error in the Hadith.

The Hadith regarding the statement that Sorcery had been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by using comb and hair and its contents were buried in a well.

When Aayisha (RA) asked the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),” Were ( whatever ) the materials used for performing sorcery removed from that well, it is recorded inBukhari 3268, 5763, 5766 that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) replied, “They were not removed because harm will be caused among the people due to that”.

On the other hand, in the Hadith recorded in Bukhari, 5765, 6063, it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) went to the well (where the materials had been buried) immediately and removed the material.

In the Hadith 5765, 6063, it is stated that the Prophet himself went to the well and ordered the removal of materials (Verification needed)

On the other hand, in the Hadith recorded in Nasayee, 4012, it is stated that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sent people to remove the material and when that materials was brought to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) then the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) immediately became well.
The same ideas are found recorded in Ahmad 18467.

In the Hadith recorded in Bukhari 6391, it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to know that Sorcery was performed on him, from the conversation of two Angels, sitting near the Prophet.

In Nasayee 4012 it is recorded that Jibrael (pbuh) came directly and informed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) “A Jew has performed Sorcery on you”.

Even though the above mentioned Hadith are based on the narration of authentic people, as the views expressed in those Hadith contradict Quran and there are also contradiction in them, they should not be accepted.

There are only a few Hadith like this. We say with proper reason only such Hadith should not be accepted.

With the exception of such Hadith which are very few in number, we accept thousands of Hadith and also insist on their acceptance. We also firmly state and consider those who claim that Quran is enough and the Hadith is not necessary, as people who have left the Islamic circle.

The chapters 113, 114:

On the basis of the contents of the chapter 113, 114, certain people argue that miracles can be performed through Sorcery.

They try to establish that Sorcery was performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the basis of the news that the chapters and news were only revealed in order to remove the Sorcery performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As the news further states that there were 12 knots and one by one each of the knots were unwinded on reciting the verses from this chapter.
Ibn Kaseer, the renowned interpreter and commentator of Al Quran has opinioned that there are a number of contradictions in this news and in certain commentaries it has been written without the list of the reporters.

Moreover, there is no evidence to prove that these two chapters have been revealed only in Madina. There are differences of opinion in it.

In Quran translation of Abdul Hameed Bhaqavi, it is mentioned that these two chapters were revealed in Makkah.
In the Quran translation of Nizamuddin Manbayee, it is stated that these two chapters were revealed in Madina.

As there is no evidence regarding this place of revelation of these chapters, it is confirmed that the news about the unwinding of 12 knots is only a fabrication.

Women who blow on the knots.:

Certain people basing their argument in the words “Women who blow, on the knots” state that miracles can be performed using Sorcery”.

They argue that the women can do harm, which is proved from the content of the words, which advice to seek protection from the harm of the women who blow on the knots, then the above view is confirmed.

When the Sorcery was performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) only by a man called “Labeeth”, then this chapter which mentions about the harm committed by the women, who blew on the knots, is not at all related to it.

According to their argument as we seek protection only from the women who blow on the knots then there will not be any protection from the harm caused by the Sorcery of men.
The Prophet of Allah has not interpreted ‘women’ from the phrase ‘women who blow on the knots’ as the witches.

If we analyse them with the help of the Hadith then we can understand that God only refers to ‘Shaitan’ in this context.
Prophet (pbuh) "When the man sleeps, Shaitan sits by the side of his head and ties three knots, stating 'sleep, still the night remains'. A knot is untied when the man wakes up. Another knot is untied when he performs wudu. And the third knot is untied when he starts praying"
(Bukhari 1142, 2269).

Shaitan causes obstacles to us from doing good deeds. Only such obstacles are denoted here as ‘blow on the knots’ God teaches us by this verse to seek protection from the above impediments.

Certain people think about ‘knot’ refers to the ‘knot put in the thread’. Musa (pbuh) when he prayed to Allah to remove the knot in his tongue, he used the word ‘knot’.
“Make my work easy”. (Quran 20:26)
And untie the knots from my tongue. (Quran 20:27).
It should not be understood that there is a knot in the tongue.
Moreover, this word ‘blow up’ is also related to Shaitans in certain Hadith.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “I seek refuge from the harm (blow up) of the Shaitan” (Abu Dawud 651).

In the Arabic language there is a custom to relate the evil elements with females.

That is why it is referred as female here.

Therefore, there is no relationship between these two chapters and the Sorcery.
They also cite another verse as evidence to state that anything can be done by Sorcery.
During Sulaiman’s rule, these (people) followed what the devils5 said. Black magic was not revealed to those two Angels (Jibrail and Mikail)28. Sulaiman did not disbelieve (only one God). Only the devils5, Harut and Marut395,who taught magic to the people of Babylon disbelieved. The two (Angels) never taught black magic without telling, “We are a test. So, do not disbelieve (God) by learning it.” They learnt from the two (Angels) the magic which could cause separation between husband and wife. Without the will of Allah no harm can be done through it to anybody by them. (They) learnt (things) which were harmful and useless. They have known certainly,” There is no blessing (of God) in the hereafter1 to those who purchased it.” For whatever they sold themselves is very bad. Should not they understand?(Quran 2:102).

God, who states that, people came to learn ‘Sihr’ (Sorcery) from Harooth and Marooth, also points out the maximum extent of harm that can be caused by it.

If it had been possible by the act of ‘Sihr’ to cause extensive damage, God would have mentioned here the great damage, these people who might have learnt it.

If it had be possible either to paralyze the hands or the legs or to kill a man then Allah would have pointed it not.

From the above analysis it is made clear that the maximum extent of damage that can be caused by the Sihr is only creating divisions between the husband and wife.

By raising suspicion between a husband and wife, activism can be made. It can also make a person to assume that either whatever done by him is not done or whatever is not done as done. This is the maximum extent of damage caused by Sihr.

A person may be made to think that he is affected by paralysis, eventhough his hands and legs are alright.

It is sufficient, by uttering that such a person has performed ‘Sihr’ on you to make a person bed ridden. He will start believing in illusions.

God informs that even the above mentioned harm cannot be done, in the above mentioned verse which states “With this, except by the will of Allah, no harm can be done by them”.
Hence it is proved beyond doubt that on the basis of the Quranic verse 2:102, it is wrong to argue that Sorcery is similar to the miracles performed by the Messenger of God.

On the basis that we have to give priority to the Quran, over other things, eventhough there are Hadith with authentic list of names recorded in the authentic collection of Books, as they are contradicting to the Quran, it has to be concluded that the news that ‘Sihr’ (Sorcery) has been performed on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) thereby affecting his mental health, is completely wrong.

We all know that it is a fundamental Islamic belief to believe that there is no one like Allah. The belief of most of the Muslims regarding ‘Sihr’ implies that they have not understood the way it has to be believed.

If any person is given the status of Allah, then it is a blatant association with God. It is also contrary to the belief that there is no one like Allah.

If Allah desires to disable, to paralyse and to make a person bed-ridden, He can do such activities, which cannot be scrutable and without any help. If we believe that a human-being can also act like that then it will imply that the person and God are one and the same. It will also be contrary to the basic tenet that there is no one like God.

Similarly, people believe those who perform ‘Sihr’. In the same way, if we believe, as performed by Allah, a sorcerer can also harm a person, without any means, and then it is equivalent to associating partners to God.

Are the ‘sorcerer’ and ‘God’ equal? Why such a clear fundamental tenet of Islam is not known to us?
If we highlight this fact, then we are accused by some vested-interests, as ‘M'uthasila’ and ‘Kharijiya’. If‘Kharijiya’ says ‘Allah is one’, will they say adamantly ‘Allah is two’?
There is no such great association of partners to God, except in believing, that the sorcerers will perform deeds similar to Allah.

For more details, refer notes, 28,182,285.

The original source: 

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