Tuesday 18 July 2017

TI0023 - English - The Islamic ruling pertaining to the celebration of Mawlid

The Islamic ruling pertaining to the celebration of Mawlid


Mawlid an-Nabi commonly known as Mawlid is an annual commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH[1]. Mawlid is traditionally celebrated on the 12th day of the 3rd month (Rabi-ul-Awwal) of the Islamic calendar. Mawlid is religiously celebrated in a carnival manner only in few countries around the globe, and of particularly, in India and Pakistan. In other countries, it is celebrated where Indo-Pak Muslim population are concentrated, and specifically amongst the Muslims of Sufi influence.

The Origin of Mawlid:

It is unanimously agreed upon, by historians and theologians of all groups, that Prophet Muhammad PBUH himself never commanded his followers to celebrate his birthday, nor was this practice known for the first few centuries of Islam. Therefore, where did this idea and practice of celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad PBUH come from?  The first ever mention of Mawlid celebrations came from the works of scholars[2][3] of Fatimid Dynasty[4]. Fatimid dynasty established itself as a rival dynasty to the Abbasid dynasty[5] in Baghdad. They conquered Egypt in 969 CE, and established the modern city of Cairo. They claimed descent from the family of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and followed the Ismaili[6] branch of Shia[7] Islam. Their beliefs and customs were so different from other branches of Islam that all Sunnis and even many other non-Ismaili Shia groups deemed them outside the fold of Islam. The Ismaili had reinterpreted the five pillars of Islam that they would not conform to the regular rituals that other Muslims are accustomed to, such as the five daily prayers. It was this dynasty that first initiated the celebration of the Mawlid in the 6th Islamic Century (12th Christian Century).

The Date of Mawlid:

Mawlid is traditionally celebrated on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, and subsequently it has become a commonly held belief that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born on that day. Authentic traditions (called Hadith) of Prophet Muhammad PBUH informs the day (Monday) in which Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born; however, not the date.  Abu Qatada Ansari RA[8] reported that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he PBUH said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.  Sahih Muslim[9] 2606
 The exclusion of information about the date of birth is sufficient enough to conclude that it has no religious significance. However, if we search history to refer if Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH could have been born on the alleged 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, it only transpires that the birth-date of Prophet Muhammad PBUH has always been a subject of dispute and controversy amongst classical Islamic scholars, with most of them giving weight to the 8th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal. It was the Fatimid Dynasty which instituted the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH birthday on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal by making it an official holiday.

The Spread of Mawlid:

From the Shia Fatimid Dynasty, Mawlid spread to the other parts of the world. The very first Sunni to publicly celebrate Mawlid was a Sufi mystic by the name of Umar al-Mulla[10]. Government-sponsored Mawlids in Sunni lands were first introduced by Al-Muzaffar[11]. Al-Muzaffar got the idea of Mawlid from Umar al-Mulla. These celebrations were extremely popular amongst the then masses, and helped secure popularity for the rulers. Around 7th Islamic century (13th Christian century), Mawlid was introduced to other Sunni lands.

The Celebration of Mawlid:

Where Mawlid is celebrated in a carnival manner, large street processions are held and homes and/or mosques are decorated. Charity and food distributed; and stories about the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH narrated. Poems of praises such as Qaṣida al-Burda[12] and Subhana Mawlid[13] are recited. These poems venerate Prophet Muhammad PBUH asking him for divine forgiveness, divine healing, and sustenance. Islam considers asking divine help from any other than the singular God, Allah, is a form of Idolatry in the form of associating partner to Allah. It is considered as an unforgivable sin with resultant punishment in eternal hell-fire.

The Islamic ruling pertaining to the celebration of Mawlid:

Basic principle of Islam dictates that any religious observance must have legitimate approval in the Qur’an or in the authentic traditions (called Hadith). There is nothing in the Qur’an to suggest or command Muslims to celebrate Mawlid. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH himself did not do this or command anyone to do it, either during his lifetime or after his death. In fact, Allah says in the Qur’an that He has completed and perfected Islam[14] even during the life-time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. There can be no addition to Islam after it has been completed and made perfect, and thus, later invention such as Mawlid is, without doubt, a reprehensible innovation.  Aisha RA[15] reported Prophet Muhammad PBUH as saying: He who innovate things in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) (commits sin) and these are to be rejected. Sahih Muslim 3243   
Aisha RA narrated Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing will be rejected” Sahih Bukhari[16] 2697 Muslim 3242
Jabir RA narrated Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: The best of speech is the Book of Allah, and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those which are newly-invented (in religion), and every innovation is going astray. Sahih Muslim 1435 Al-Nasa’i[17] 1560
 The above teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH inform us that any newly innovated matter should be rejected.  


Mawlid was originally a Shia festival · Mawlid came into being in the 6th Islamic Century (12th Christian century) introduced by Shia Fatimid Dynasty. .  · Mawlid is traditionally celebrated on the 12th day Rabi-ul-Awwal; however, the exact birth-date of Prophet Muhammad PBUH has always been a subject of dispute.  · Mawlid was spread to the Sunni world by Al-Muzaffar who got the idea from a Sufi Umar al-Mulla. · Mawlid is generally celebrated in a carnival manner with recitation of poems of praises of Prophet Muhammad PBUH that contains verses nullifying and removing a Muslim from the fold of Islam.  · Celebrating Mawlid is an innovation from the perspective and ruling of Islam – which should be rejected to prevent Muslims from committing a grave sin and ending in hell-fire.

Issued by Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath Translators forum

Appendix 1 Qaṣida al-Burda (Poem of the Mantle) was composed by Sufi poet Al-Busairi. The poem is a prime example of over-praising the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.    The verses from Qasida al-Burda, for e.g.:    …and of your generosity is the (creation) of the World and its co-wife (meaning the Hereafter)..."    Here it is stated as if the World and the Hereafter was created from the generosity of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.    …and part of your knowledge is the knowledge of the Tablet and the Pen...   Here it is stated that the knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the knowledge that is encompassed in the Lawh al-Mahufdh - the tablet - which Muslims believe that has everything written on it! And that too is only 'part' of his knowledge!

…and who else there, besides you, who I can call out, at times of distress and problems?    Here Prophet Muhammad PBUH is sought at times of difficulty for divine help.    The above verses are blatant idolatry elevating Prophet Muhammad PBUH to the position of the singular God, Allah.                                        
Appendix 2  This is another poetry book over-praising Prophet Muhammad PBUH. There is no authentic or undisputed record as to who composed Subhaana Mawlid. This book is only predominantly recited in Tamil Nadu (South India) and Sri Lanka, and in countries where Tamil speaking Muslims are concentrated.  The verses from Subhaana Mawlid, for e.g.:  Change my Sins to Goodness! Forsake my Evil Actions (Verses from Chapter: Ya Nabi)  Oh! You Who Have Sinned! Seek Forgiveness! Admit Your Short-comings! Expect Mercy! Surrender! Ask (to the one who dwells in Medina [Prophet Muhammad PBUH]) (Verses from Chapter: Sallu Ala Ghairil Ibaad) Bless Through Bestowing Your Forgiveness On Me! (Verses from Chapter: Ya Sayeedi) Here Prophet Muhammad PBUH is sought for forgiveness, an act considered as idolatry is Islam, removing one from the fold of Islam.   Oh Healer! Peace Be Upon You! If You Are Sick, He (Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Only Holds The Cure! Divine healing is the exclusive right of Allah, but in the above verses Prophet Muhammad PBUH is likened to Allah and beseeched for divine healing, which is considered as disbelief in Islam – a consequence of which removes one from the fold Islam.  I Raise My Hands Because Of Poverty and Difficulties!  I have put my Trust in Your Abundant Mercy and Generosity! You Who Live in this Haram (Medina)! I Seek Your Mediation!  Take Care of Me with a Permanent Care! Help Me before this Poor gets Inundated!  Allah is the sole provider of sustenance, and it is fundamental belief that sustenance is essentially sought from Him. This basic fundamental Islam is violated in the above verses by calling Prophet Muhammad seeking food and sustenance.  In addition to the above, there are several verses in Subhaana Mawlid book which contradicts the fundamental principles of Islam, The belief in the poisonous ideology and recitation of the book will take a Muslim outside the fold of Islam.

    [1] Peace & Blessings be Upon Him
    [2] Jamal ad-Din Ibn al-Ma’mun (died 1192 CE)
    [3] Taqi ad-Din Ibn al-Maqrizi (died 1442 CE) Mawaiz wa al-'i'tibar bi dhikr al-khitat wa al-'athar (2 Vols., Bulaq, 1854)
    [4] The Fatimid Caliphate was an Ismaili Shia Muslim caliphate founded by the Kutama Berbers in Ifriqiya (Tunisia) (ended 1171 CE)
    [5] The Abbasid Caliphate was the third of the Islamic caliphates (ended 1258 CE)
    [6] Ismaili (Seveners) is the second largest branch of Shia Islam after the Ithna Ashariyya (Twelvers)
    [7] Shia Islam is the second largest denomination of Islam. Shia is the short form of the historic phrase Shia-tu-Ali meaning party of Ali (Prophet Muhammad's PBUH cousin and son-in-law), whom the Shia believe to be Prophet Muhammad's PBUH successor in the Caliphate  
   [8] Radhiyallahu Anhu: May Allah Be Pleased With Him
   [9] Sahih Muslim is one of the six major Hadith books. Hadith are prophetic traditions. The Arabic word Sahih translates as authentic or correct. It is the second most authentic Hadith collection after Sahih Bukhari. It was collected by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj.  
  [10] Imad ad-Din al-Iṣfahani (died 1200 CE) Al-Barq al-Shami  
  [11] Al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din Umar (died 1191): Nephew and General of Salah-Ad-Din Al-Ayyubi  
  [12] See Appendix 1
  [13] See Appendix 2  
  [14] This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. Al-Quran Al Maidah 3:5  
  [15] Radhiyallahu Anha: May Allah Be Pleased With Her
  [16] Sahih Bukhari is one of the six major Hadith books of Islam. Hadith are prophetic traditions. The Arabic word sahih translates as authentic or correct. Bukhari is considered as the most authentic Hadith collection. It was collected by Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari.
  [17] Al-Nasa’i is one of the six major Hadith books of Islam. Hadith are prophetic traditions. It was collected by Aḥmad ibn Shu`ayb Al-Nasa'i.    

The original source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/tamil-nadu-thowheed-jamath/the-islamic-ruling-pertaining-to-the-celebration-of-mawlid/1169054863182786

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