Monday 17 July 2017

TI0003 - English - Congregational/Group dua is not allowed

Congregational/Group dua is not allowed

It can be seen that the below English translation of Quran verses are referring that congregational/group dua is not allowed.

(Al Quran, Chapter 7: Verse 55) "Call on your Lord humbly and secretly; surely He does not love those who exceed the limits."
(Al Quran, Chapter 7: Verse 205) "And remember your Lord within yourself humbly and fearing and in a voice not loud in the morning and the evening and be not of the heedless ones."

This verse (Al Quran, Chapter 7: Verse 55) teaches us the way of how to make a dua/invocation to Allah.

Let’s say, if our requests had to be raised towards an officer or minister, we are aware of the certain order of approach that one has to be follow.

While placing the request, if rhyming-rhythmic rhetoric or melodious styles are applied; the request would be not be accepted regardless of how valid that request is. Even if the request is placed with a loud voice, that request shall be rejected.

Like the humbleness shown towards human being, one should be thousand times more (i.e multifold) in showing one’s humbleness towards Allah. This is what Allah teaches us here (in this verse).

“Call on your Lord humbly..” is the first order of discipline in making dua. Applying rhyming-rhythmic rhetoric or melodious styles while asking Allah would invalidate the humbleness there.

Like a ceremonial ritual without humbleness, being unmindful about whom the dua/invocation is being made towards, in most of the Masjids, the dua/invocation to Allah is being made in this manner.

Also, it mentions that making dua should be secret/private, based on the discipline of making dua.

This also makes one realize that it is not a proper way to make dua/invocation with loud sound along with a crowd/congregation.

Everyone have their own distinctive individual needs. Each in their language, asking their needs with humbleness and privately; is the main discipline behind making dua/invocation to Allah.

One should bear in mind that, Allah will accept only the dua, which is done as per the commandment of Allah (as per the discipline on how to make dua).

“in a voice not loud” 
Here, it teaches the discipline on how the remembrance of Allah has to be made. On remembrance of Allah, firstly, one should be with humbleness and fearful of Allah. Secondly, it is not the tongue alone but the remembrance of Allah should be engaged in one’s heart as well. Thirdly, the remembrance of Allah should be done without making loud voice.

Today among Tamizh Muslims, with the names of ‘raathibu’ and ‘halaqa’ events, loud shouts and dancing are being done; thinking that remembrance of Allah is performed while actually carrying sins.

If one is mindful of this verse (Al Quran, Chapter 7: Verse 205), they would realize that they are committing a big mistake.

Translated by: Brother Abu Abdul Baari 

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