Tuesday 18 July 2017

TI0021 - English - Will intercession help?

Will intercession help?

Regarding this there are three different views:

1. There is no intercession at all.

2. The Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh), the pious and righteous men will intercede for whom they like.

3. There is intercession but with certain conditions.

The first two of the above three views are the views of those people who have insufficient knowledge of the Quran.

Those people who totally reject the concept of intercession by taking into account only those Quranic verses which imply that there cannot be intercession at all, do not analyze all the Quranic verses pertaining to intercession.

Those people who do not look deeply at the verses pertaining to intercession hold the second view.
Both these views are incorrect. Those who observe only the Quranic verse 2:48, 2:123, 2:254, 6:51, 6:70, 6:94, 26:100, 32:4, 36:23, 39:43, 44, 74:48, not only say that there is no intercession in the Hereafter but also say that intercession will not benefit.

Let us now analyze the following Quranic verses:

“…. . who is he that can intercede with him except with his permission?….” - Quran 2:255

 “No intercessor (can plead with him) except with his permission……”- Quran 10:3

 We may understand from the above two verses that nobody can intercede without Allah’s permission. Besides, Allah will not say this if he does not want to permit.

Let us now analyze some other verses

“…. . and they cannot intercede except for him with whom he is pleased…….”- Quran 21:28

“None will have the power of intercession but such one who has received permission (or promise) from the most beneficent (Allah) - Quran 19:87

“On that day no intercession will benefit, except the one for whom the most Beneficent (Allah) has given permission and whose word is acceptable to him…. .”Quran 20:109

“Intercession with him benefits not, except for him whom he permits…. .”- Quran 34:23

“And those whom they invoke instead of him have no power of intercession except those who bear witness to the truth (i.e., believed in the oneness of Allah and obeyed his order) and they know (the facts about the oneness of Allah) ” - Quran 43:86

 “(And there are many Angels in the heavens, whose) intercession will benefit nothing except after Allah has given permission for whom he wills and pleases…”- Quran 53:26

The above Quranic verses clearly state that certain persons will be permitted to intercede and such intercession will be benefitting.

A few people who have insufficient knowledge of Quran say that there is no intercession in the Hereafter. The above Quranic verses clearly prove that such views are wrong.

Everyone should aspire to reach Paradise themselves without anybody’s intercession by securing high ranks in the earthly life and everyone should plead to Allah only that.

But it is incorrect and improper to plead, “O lord, bestow upon me the intercession of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).”

Prophet also never taught us “Ask Allah for my intercession. “” He only said that sinners would get his intercession. He has also said that his intercession might be received through some deeds.

Nobody knows to whom Allah will give permission in the Hereafter. So, no one living in this earth should ask “O saint, please intercede for me in the Hereafter“. Such a request would be but interference in the authority of Allah.

Those people who had been living in Makkah became polytheists only because they pleaded for intercession (Refer Quran 10:18).

Since Allah alone will decide who can intercede and for whom intercession can be given, intercession should not be required from anybody. When Allah himself decides to forgive us, he will call one and say intercede for him.”Infact the intercession is only for name sake but the final decision is with Allah alone. (Refer Bukhari 99, 335, 448, 3340, 4476, 4712, 6304, 6305, 6565, 6566, 6570, 7410, 7440, 7474, 7509 and 7510).

The original source of this English article:
The original article (Tamizh):

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